Thursday, October 17, 2013

Oh SNAP!!! She Said "YES" | Keeping Your Sanity While Preparing for Your Wedding


If you are gong to be hearing wedding bells soon, there is obviously a lot to do. 

Whether you are the bride, the groom or a member of the family, the solution for getting overwhelmed is being organized ahead of time.


As soon as you think wedding bells are in the future for yourself, research, visit and select a venue as soon as possible.  Usually the good venues AND dates are reserved months in advance and while you may feel there is time for a spring wedding, many others may have booked the location of your choice the winter before. So, unless you are hosting it in your back yard, you should get a venue deiced upon as soon as possible.

Another advantage to booking a venue is that when you have a date in front of you, organizing becomes much simpler. When you have a selected date, you can start booking the wedding band, the florist, the cake, the deejay or any other vendor you need. Just making castles in the air by saying that you might be getting married some time in the spring makes everything ambiguous and difficult to plan accurately.


If there is one thing everyone is doing these days is having a theme for their wedding. From Hawaiian weddings to a color theme to a motif like wedding bells, everyone is going with a theme so that their reception looks more coordinated and everything ties in tighter. If you choose to have wedding bells for a theme, then the cake can have wedding bell toppers, the centerpieces on the guest tables can have wedding bell flower arrangements and the invitation cards can have the same motif.  Just a thought here...

Calm Your Nerves

Whether you are the bride, the groom, a member of the family, or someone close to the party, being calm and confident about the wedding day is the most important element of organizing. Even the most professionally choreographed wedding can go disastrously wrong if the couple have last minute jitters, if they are too laid back or if they are too much on top of things. Having a balanced approach and being involved but continuing with your life is the most important thing for the both of you. Plan your wedding but do not let that take over your entire life.

Keep in mind the following:
Have realistic expectations. Do not be so extravagant that you begin your married life in credit card debt.  Be mindful of the extremes and limits you will accept. For example, extreme diets to fit into a size 2 wedding dress when you normally wear a 14 will lead to a host of medical issue to deal with soon after.

Just Remember To Breath.  

At the end of the day...your only concern is for the person standing next to you...Right?

Congratulation and ...Cheers! 



Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Your Wedding Night: Possible Indicators of the Marriage Ahead.

Relax...we're having some fun here!

Ah the wedding night!  There is no greater indicator of the future bliss of a marriage than how things go on the wedding night and don't even think there will be any personal accounts in this article. 

I'm here to offer some tips on how to read the future of your marriage in the activities that happen on your wedding night.  There are some good things that will happen and then there are some bad things that will happen and you should be aware of as much as possible so you can know if you will be spending a lot of time together or apart for the next couple of years.

Some Good Things

If you get to the hotel room on your wedding night and she puts the Do Not Disturb sign on the door with no intention of taking it off the door for the weekend then that is a good thing.

If it takes the two of you nearly two days to realize that there is a television in the room and that the curtains covering the windows actually open; then that is a really good sign.

If room service has you on a schedule because you haven't left your room since your wedding night and they want to be sure you are at least eating something then that is a really good sign.

If at checkout the person at the check out desk has no idea you were in the hotel for the last week because you never left your room then that is probably a really good sign that your marriage is at least off to a good start.

Some Bad Things

If you run up a $1000 bill just renting Disney movies from the hotel television service on your wedding night then that is a really bad sign.

If she tells you that the "horizontal festivities" will have to wait until her show Scandal is over then that is probably a bad sign. (Note to self: Do Not Schedule Any Weddings on Thursday

If your wedding night is ruined because you can't get the fact that your team lost the game that day then you are probably in for a long marriage.

If she calls her mother every half hour just because she is bored and wants something to do on your wedding night then you are probably really in for a very long marriage.

The Point Here: ...Keep the humor and Keep Laughing... This Builds Stronger Unions AND Friendships within the Union.

Congratulation and ...Cheers to the Two of You! 

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Significance of The Rings

In many countries wedding rings are considered sacred symbols of love and endless devotion. There are many customs that concern wedding rings across the world, each one offering a heart warming symbolism that celebrates love.

A Rose by Any Other Name Would Smell As Sweet

There are different variants of customs regarding wedding rings all over the world – all meaning more or less the same. In most countries, the wedding rings are made of a type of metal, though the favorite and most popular choice is gold, in the form of a flat band.

These rings normally have no design, stone or embellishment on it. These wedding rings are shaped in this way for a reason – the flat band that looks like a continuous circle symbolizes the eternal love the couple vows to give one another.

In some countries the name of the spouse is engraved on the inside of the ring with a tiny inscription. This would once again symbolic of the fact that the name of the spouse is forever inscribed in one another's heart.

Wedding rings are usually worn on the fourth finger of the left hand – this is because it is believed that there is a vein that connects it directly to the heart and hence when the ring is worn here it stays closest to the heart. In other countries it is worn on the right hand symbolizing its importance – from the custom that believe that the most important guest to be seated on the right side of the host.

There are customs that hold the belief that once the wedding rings are made, they can never be individually modified as this would mean that the couple would separate. In case any change is required, both the rings would be melted and remade. Under this premise, it is considered extreme bad luck to lose your wedding ring under any circumstance. In case one of the spouses does lose his/ her wedding ring, two more need to be made at the earliest and worn in unison. The odd one in the pair (the ring that was not lost) should never be worn again.

These traditions are such that their meaning and symbolism have become ageless. This shows that no matter how modern you are, no matter where you live, no matter the country from where you originate, no matter how rich or poor you are - when you speak of love, the language in universal.